Understanding 990 and Its Significance for Nonprofit Organizations

990 form and non profit organizations

The IRS 990 form is a document that reports the financial information of nonprofit organizations. The form includes donors, board members, salaries and bonuses, investments and grants. It also includes how much money goes to programs versus how much is spent on administration costs. In order for nonprofits to receive tax exemption, they are required by law to file the 990 with the IRS each year.

The purpose of this blog post is to help readers understand what exactly the 990 Form entails and why it’s important for people in nonprofit fields to know about it if they don’t already.

The Purpose of The 990 Form

Form 990 is a tax document filed with the IRS by federally exempt organizations. The Form 990 provides information on contributions, investments, expenditures and revenue to help decide whether an organization can maintain their tax-exempt status.

Do All Nonprofits Have To File 990?

All private foundations are required to file a 990 exempt religious organizations. This includes the organizations with tax exempt status and those who have assets of $500,000 in value or over. Gross receipts must also be at least $200,000 for this requirement to apply.

When Is The 990 Due?

990 should be filed after your accounting period ends by the 15th day of the 5th month. For example, the 990 should be filed no later than 15th May if your fiscal year ends on December 31st. That way, you’ll avoid any penalties for not filing it by this date.


The 990 form is a complex document, but it’s important for nonprofit professionals to be aware of the filing requirements and deadlines.

If you need assistance in filing your organization’s 990, then contact a2zfilings. Our team of experts can provide guidance on how to fill out this complicated form as well as help you meet state-specific filing regulations, all while keeping up with IRS guidelines and timelines.

How To Prepare Your 501C3 Application

501c3 application

Many organizations are not aware that they can register their non-profit organization (NPO) as a 501C3. These entities may have been considering forming as an LLC or other business entity, but were unaware that they could register as a tax exempt NPO and be eligible for various benefits, such as being able to apply for grants, donations, and in some cases, the ability to purchase goods at wholesale prices. This post will briefly describe the 501(c)(3) application process.

The Process

To register as a non-profit, you will need to complete your 501C3 application with the IRS which includes completing Form 1023 or 1024 along with a few additional forms, depending on the type of NPO you wish to create. The process is similar regardless if you want to establish a religious institution or another type of nonprofit entity.


  1. Fill out Form 1023 or 1024 for certain non-profits
  2. File Form 1023 with the appropriate regional office of the IRS in which your organization will be located
  3. Attach all necessary supporting documentation such as articles of incorporation, bylaws, and proof of charitable status

Articles of Incorporation

The articles of incorporation are typically filled out by an attorney who understands all the nuances that go into this type of document. You need to file the articles of incorporation if you want to establish a nonprofit that can conduct business, get a tax exempt status and receive donations.

EIN and IRS Form 1023

A lot of people may not know about what an EIN is, but it is a tax number that you need to apply for in order to start your business. It’s best if you are ready with this information before starting the IRS Form 1023 because some parts of it require the number.


The wait for approval can be long for your 501(c)(3). This delay could happen for any number of reasons, including an audit in progress or an error on your application that needs to be fixed.


Whatever the reason, it’s important to know how you’ll handle this when you submit your application.


To learn more about starting a nonprofit, visit A2ZFilings.

How Can a2z-Filings Help You File Form 990

Form 990

A Form 990 is a tax form that an organization must file annually with the IRS. This form provides information about the organization’s income, expenses, and other information to the IRS for most exempt organizations.


The Internal Revenue Code requires an organization to file a Form 990 if its gross receipts over $200,000 or more than 25% of its total assets consist of stocks or securities.

Reasons For Filing Form 990

Form 990 helps organizations provide transparency to donors and supporters, which, in turn, builds trust between nonprofits and those who support them. The form also provides documentation for grantors or contributors who may be considering giving a gift or donation to your organization.

When Should a Nonprofit file Form 990

Every nonprofit organization has a responsibility to report their income and expenditures, as well as any other information that the IRS requires. Nonprofits are required to file Form 990 with the IRS each year. It’s important that you understand when you should file form 990 so that you don’t miss the deadline.

How To Know Which Form 990 to File?

There are 4 different types of Forms 990:

  1. 990 N– Your organization needs to 990 N if your gross receipts are under $50,000.
  2. 990 EZ– If your organization’s assets are under $500,000 and gross receipts are under 200,00 then your organization needs to file 990 EZ.
  3. 990 Full– if your gross receipts and total assets are above $200,000 and $500,000 respectively, your organization needs to file  990 Full.
  4. 990 PF– Regardless of their status, all private foundations are required to file 990 PF.

How Can a2z-Filings Help?

Filing Form 990 can be confusing and difficult at first, but don’t worry. A2zFilings has the right information and experts to help your organization succeed.

Fundraising in Tough Financial Times

Fundraising during difficult times

In tough financial times, organizations that rely on funding from the government and private donors have to make difficult decisions. These nonprofits need to find creative ways to raise money for their programs. One of the most effective strategies is through fundraising efforts like events and campaigns.

In this blog post, we will share some tips on how to successfully raise money in difficult economic conditions.

Importance Of A Fundraising Strategy

As a nonprofit organization, fundraising is an important aspect of your business. It takes time and effort to find donors or sponsors who are willing to help you with your cause. Depending on the size of your organization, it can be difficult to have a large number of people donating small amounts so that you can get enough money for operations.

One way around this problem is crowdfunding using sites like Kickstarter or GoFundMe to ask for donations from individuals in order to reach your financial goal and keep operations going.

Importance Of Networking

Networking and fundraising go hand in hand. This is especially true for nonprofit organizations which rely on funding to continue their work. However, many organizations have a hard time with networking because they don’t know how to do it.

Here are some tips that will help you become an expert networker:

  1. Research the event or conference before going
  2. Send regular newsletters to existing and potential donors
  3. Make sure your community is aware of your nonprofit’s achievements
  4. Spread the word about your orginizations via comprehensive web marketing strategy

Raise Your Own Funds

Nonprofit organizations are the backbone of many communities, providing everything from food to shelter. But how do they raise their own funds? One way is by receiving donations, but as with most things in life, there’s never enough money for everything.

As a nonprofit, you can raise your own funds by creating  an online presence. For this, it is important that your organization has a website where potential donors can find information about your cause and what you need funding for.


It can be tough to find the money for a good cause, but with some creativity and dedication anything is possible. If you want more information on fundraising or how we can help your nonprofit organization meet its financial goals, please contact us today.

A Brief Guide To Starting a Nonprofit

Guide to starting a nonprofit

Getting a nonprofit up and running is no easy feat. There are so many different steps involved in the process, from filling out numerous forms to following procedures, and legal hoops you have to jump through before you can even start doing the work that your organization was created for in the first place.

This blog post will give you a brief overview of how to go about forming a nonprofit organization in the United States.

Name your organization

The name you choose for your organization will set the tone and impact people’s perception about it. It’s important to take into account what your target audience is looking for when choosing a name, as well as any possible negative connotations with the title.


For example, if you are starting a nonprofit that provides clean water to communities around the world, naming it “Aid” might be an appropriate option.

Identify The Focus Of Your Nonprofit

Next step is to figure out what kind of nonprofit organization you want to start. There are many different types of nonprofits that focus on various areas, including:

  1. Animals
  2. Education
  3. Religion or Spirituality
  4. Medical research and Treatment
  5. Children & youth organizations
  6. And more

Apply for an Employer Identification Number (EIN)

In order to start a nonprofit organization, you need an Employer Identification Number (EIN). All organizations are required to have one in order to open a bank account and file taxes. The IRS website has information on how to apply for one. It can take up to 3 weeks for your EIN number to be approved so plan ahead when starting your new nonprofit.

Appoint a Registered Agent

Nonprofit organizations can be set up as a sole proprietorship, partnership, or corporation. When starting a nonprofit organization it is important to appoint a registered agent. A registered agent is an individual who agrees to accept legal papers on behalf of the nonprofit.

If you are starting a nonprofit, it is important to be aware of the legal and administrative requirements needed for your organization.